Sorry, we've had to log you out [Error: 1007 ID: 18.e59ad817.1734241570.509844d4]
An error has occurred while processing your transaction and we haven’t been able to complete it. Please try again. If the problem continues please call us on 0345 300 0116 (Monday to Sunday 8am – 8pm). Not all Telephone Banking services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can call us using Relay UK if you have a hearing or speech impairment. There's more information on the Relay UK help pages. Sign Video services are also available if you’re Deaf and use British Sign Language.
Contact us
General banking queries
0345 072 5555
Monday - Friday, 7:00am - 10:00pm;
Saturday – Sunday, 8:00am – 6:00pm.
If you're calling from abroad or prefer not to use our 0345 number: +44 (0) 1733 347 338. You can also use Textphone on 0345 601 6909.
Calls may be monitored and recorded in case we need to check we have carried out your instructions correctly and to help us improve our quality of service.